They always find ways to stretch the rules both written and morally to fit what they do. No morals anymore

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Ugh! Apparently no one was looking, checking or reporting! BUT YOU WERE!

THANK YOU LAURA....and, I hope you heard me cheering tonight when President Trump recognized your incredible work live from Club 47! THANK YOU for fighting for American Freedom!

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Laura, you are the best!

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Sorry ronny, put a fork in you, you're done! If you weren't a pathogical liar, who insults Trump constantly, if you didn't talk so stupidly the great American comeback!!!!? We have already had that and our enemies stole his election! If you weren't stealing all Trump's ideas and acting like they are yours, if you didn't act so weird, with lifts on your shoes and sewing your name on a work shirt, maybe we would want you as dog catcher in your county, but no you just can't seem to stop!

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