Forgive my language, but Bolton is no relative of mine... that sorry sack o' shite.

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There is no better time to use nasty language is traitorous scumbag politicians who lie their asses off, and steal our money!

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I don't understand why this system changes the words I write! This bugs me!

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Hey ronney, what movement would that be? You have no movement!!!! You are not the great Trump! You are not MAGA! You are a wimpy globalist and in addition people who knew you in the military said said you sucked as a JAG lawyer! And your only 100 points behind Trump! You are a loser, and you will NEVER be president!

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Donald Trump 47 will bring with him to the White House one major upgrade his core supporters have been demanding since he entered politics: a "Trust Pivot."

From Trump's days as a successful builder, realtor and Entertainment Mogul, he found it to his advantage to trust people unless they gave you a provable reason not to trust them. Of course, he occasionally got burned but those doing the burning would pay the price of having Trump as a ENEMY! As 45, Trump used that same system and it nearly got him an impeachment conviction! (Remember, The Donald ACTUALLY TRUSTED Mittens Romney--a widely known backstabbing FREAK!)

The 180-degree turn comes as a result of being proven time and again his old life had little resemblance to the new one. 47 will trust NO ONE, not even (In-Law) family like that slimy little weasel Kushner, without that person proving beyond any doubt whatsoever they are 100% died-in-the-wool MAGA and all-in supporters of the President. Wayne Allyn Root has even suggested Trump routinely subject those in his Administration to polygraph tests to make sure they aren't saying one thing while doing another. Virtually every member of our 17 Intel agencies are subject to routine lie-detector tests AND spot checks on demand. The same MUST apply to the permanent members of the Administrative State: unelected and for the most part unfireable. Trump also learned he can do worse things to Government employees than fire them! Think being a disloyal crew member aboard Air Force One getting reassigned to daily cargo flights in and out of Taiwan hauling novelty rubber dog turds. UNTIL THE DAY THEY RETIRE!

Just look at what human torpedoes like General Kelly and John "Moustache" Bolton did when Trump's back was turned to them. They routinely shivved him, prison yard style. They would flatter the President with compliments and platitudes TO HIS FACE but the moment Trump looked away they did virtually everything in their power to usurp his Presidential authority. Those two were ACTUALLY GUILTY OF SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY and should be tried and convicted of Treason against their President and Nation.

I actually was once a fan and supporter of the Moustache but now so thoroughly despise the man, if given an opportunity to join his post conviction execution firing squad, I would volunteer in a heartbeat paying my own way to DC and for my uniform and ammo. SIGN ME UP!

Keep the faith, Mr. President! MAGA has your back now and forever. YOU CAN TRUST US! And any one of us would agree to DAILY polygraphs just for the once-in-a-lifetime honor of serving the best President in modern American history!

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Everyone of those scumbags you mentioned are so jealous of Trump! Guess what scumbags? Trump is GOD'S chosen and anointed and the only desanctis will ever be president of is own mind which is that of a liar, traitor and loser! Get out now ronney, put a fork in you, your done!

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He hired him and fired him quickly! Bolton needs to learn that he did not have the right to make decisions that Trump did not agree with him! Bolton has always been a dick and a war monger!

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