There will be alot of happy people (including my family😢) if this unjust circus arrest occurs...

The Biden crime family and our govt. ... is still living large .. and free.

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Check out Biden’s ears. Check out all of the indictments. Check when the Military Tribunals will be. Look at all of the Military planes that are up.



I would never want anyone to be unjustly arrested. That includes the people arrested on Jan 6th and President Trump, or anyone else.

Have a nice day!

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The DeSantis 2018 win was only based on Joel Greenberg helping him in various ways.

EVERYONE in the FL GOP partied with Joel and used his tricks to win elections.

This is why the FL GOP is doing so well, it was built around Joel Greenberg and Kent Stermon.

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We need to avoid getting January Deep Sixed, Laura.

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In light of the incessant efforts by the DEEP STATE to get rid of President Trump, if they succeed in putting Trump in jail, their likely next act will be to give President Trump the Jeffery Epstein treatment.

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If he went to jail (highly unlikely) he would have secret service detail.

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Yes, A Secret Service Detail, but whose Detail? From the Deep State?

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I repeat: I contributed $70 last month.

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I contributed $70 last month!!

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