DeSimp is one sorry sack of drek.

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Sack of shit! Wait till those anti-American Trump hating billionaire idiots ask Ronny to pay them back for all the money wasted! Uh-oh!!!

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Ugh! Dearest Melania! Ron has truly lost his mind!... Or his promoters are complete idiots!

This is worse than crashing your bicycle on a gravel road, while wearing your swim suit.


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I guess that’s all he’s got, a life without class. Pretty much sums him up.

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In a way I’m glad Ron ran. It revealed him to be the feckless traitor that he is. Now we know he has no future with MAGA. Bye bye Ronnie.

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Why does ronney have his name sewn on the front of his shirt? Does he forget it? What a classless loser!

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No one in his right mind would challenge President Trump: therefore, either that isn't Ron DeSantis, or he isn't in his right mind.

I'm sure the Alliance has discovered something about DeSantis; no idea what that is. According to Real Raw News, he's not allowed at GITMO. Again, no one in his right mind would try to go to GITMO without an invitation, so logically he isn't in his right mind.

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Going after Melania shows his desperation.

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Trump fly a banner saying why does desanctis sew his name on his shirt!!!!!

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