Prosecutor Ron DeSantis: An Enemy To J6 Political Prisoners
“I actually am glad to see some of these people being arrested from the DC thing, because I think the prosecutions will really make a difference,” Ron DeSantis stated.
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As January 2023 has concluded, it has officially been two years since the January 6th (J6) 2021 Stop the Steal protest in Washington DC. Over the last two years, hundreds of J6 political prisoners have continued to rot in prison, while their due process and right to a trial that consists of a jury of their peers has been denied. Many of the J6 defendants remain imprisoned under pretrial detention despite committing zero violent acts at the United States Capitol.
While there are J6 defendants and prisoners from all over the country, it is worth noting that Florida has the highest number of J6 defendants.
Among the chorus of DeSantis 2024 supporters, and the alleged paid social media influencers, many of which built their entire social media following by falsely presenting themselves as supporters of President Trump (while making boatloads of money off his name and selling MAGA merchandise) during his term in the White House, a new anti-Trump narrative is spreading, based off the despicable lie that Trump is solely to blame for the J6 political prisoners remaining behind bars.
“Trump could have pardoned them!” the DeSimps scream, despite the fact that the vast majority of those behind bars, and many who are still being targeted by the DOJ in their growing “criminal investigation” into what the DOJ refers to as the “J6 CAPITOL INSURRECTION”, were charged AFTER President Trump formally left office following the transition of power to the Biden administration.
Issuing a blanket, presidential pardon for non-violent actions on J6 would be a tacit admission that the J6 patriots did something wrong … which they didn’t!
But, the biggest hypocrisy in “DeSantis 2024” supporters attacking Donald Trump over January 6 is their refusal to admit and recognize the fact that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis supported the Capitol Police’s actions on January 6th, and he said he was in favor of J6 protesters being arrested and prosecuted for their Constitutionally protected right to protest and petition their government for grievances.
“I actually am glad to see some of these people being arrested from the DC thing, because I think the prosecutions will really make a difference. I think it was a really unfortunate thing,” DeSantis stated during a news conference in The Villages, where I recently ran for Congress as an America First Republican against pro-impeachment RINO career politician, Daniel Webster. It’s is worth noting that DeSantis and Webster once served in US Congress together, and DeSantis even endorsed Webster for Speaker of the House. Following January 6, 2021, Daniel Webster was one of the only Republicans who skipped the vote on the second impeachment of Donald Trump, and he was the only Republican member of Congress who skipped the vote on Nancy Pelosi’s Soviet style, January 6 Select Committee which was the driving force behind the second impeachment of Donald Trump.

Many of the J6 political prisoners have spent months in solitary confinement, and in abhorrent conditions. In one instance, the wife of a J6 prisoner from Florida described how her husband has been denied medical treatment for his cancer while being detained and jailed for participating in J6.
During a press conference, his wife thanked President Donald Trump for supporting her, her family, and the families of other J6 prisoners. She added that she has repeatedly called and left messages for her Governor, Ron DeSantis, in which she asked and begged for his help. “I’m from Florida. Nobody from Florida, Governor DeSantis hasn’t even reached out to us,” the prisoner’s wife told reporters during a press conference.

Prison conditions for J6 political prisoners is so bad and inhumane that 34 January 6 detainees penned a letter, demanding they be transferred to the Guantanamo Bay prison camp so that they could receive cooked meals, sunlight, freedom of religion, exercise, entertainment, and be treated like human beings.

If the transfer was to ever be approved, the J6 political prisoners could at least rest easy knowing that Ron DeSantis is no longer overseeing the torture of inmates at Guantanamo Bay, which is what he did during the Iraq war, as has been detailed by former prisoners who later lambasted DeSantis for his cruel and inhumane treatment, and his cover up of human rights violations under the disgraced administration of George W. Bush.
Not only has Governor DeSantis publicly applauded Capitol Police for hunting down Trump supporters and hauling them to prison, he even commended Capitol Police for doing an “admiral job”, after they murdered Ashli Babbitt (a veteran) and Rosanne Boyland.
Immediately following J6, Governor DeSantis also hired Jeremy Redfern to be his Press Secretary. I have been investigating Ron DeSantis, as well as his staffers, their political history, and their highly suspect foreign interests and associations. Through my investigations, I discovered that on January 7, 2021, Redfern (who currently serves as Governor DeSantis’s Press Secretary) posted a series of Tweets in which he called for President Trump to be impeached, and another tweet in which he mocked and celebrated the murder of Ashli Babbitt. In response to a tweet in which one user said Ashli Babbitt deserved to be shot and killed inside the Capitol, Redfern tweeted, “Fuck Around and Find Out 101 (FAFO)”.
When I tweeted the screenshot and tagged Redfern upon my reinstatement to Twitter following a 5 year ban, I asked him why, as the Press Secretary for Ron DeSantis, he would tweet in support of impeaching President Trump, and why he would mock the murder of Babbitt. Not only did Redfern not reply to my viral tweet, but he proceeded to delete 13 years of his tweet history, up until January 2021.

While some may point towards DeSantis’s one time statement that was mildly critical of Nancy Pelosi’s January 6th Committee to falsely claim that he is somehow fighting for the J6 political prisoners, in reality, his criticism was more of an attempt to dodge a J6 related question and pivot to other political issues. Instead of discussing the problems with the J6 show trials, and instead of describing the Soviet Style show-trial as a witch hunt and condemning the political persecution by the corrupt DOJ, DeSantis said we all need to stop talking about J6, because in his words, “that was over a year and a half ago.” DeSantis doesn’t want to talk about the abuse of power by the DOJ which has continued to get even worse since J6 2021. But, then again, why would he? He jump started his political career following connections he made in the George W. Bush administration as a JAG lawyer and federal prosecutor in the Navy. DeSantis’s bread has always been buttered by the U.S. federal government and Deep State military industrial complex, which is where you can find his true political loyalties.

Not only did Governor DeSantis commend the Capitol Police after they murdered Ashli Babbitt and Rosanne Boyland, and not only did he signal his approval when Trump supporters in Florida were being arrested for simply attending J6, but he has actively assisted the Capitol Police in their efforts to target Floridians, who make up the highest number of January 6th defendants out of any state.
Let that sink in. Governor DeSantis allowed the U.S. Capitol Police to establish a field office in Tampa — nearly 1,000 miles away from Washington, D.C.!
One of the stated goals of this field office was to work with Florida state law enforcement to locate and arrest as many January 6th participants as possible.
“I trust that the partnerships will help bring accountability to the domestic terrorists responsible for the deadly insurrection on January 6,” Rep. Kathy Castor (D-FL14) said after the field office opened. “Many domestic terrorists from that racist, anti-American mob already have been arrested and charged – too many from Florida. We will learn the entire truth about the traitorous attack on our democracy. A Select Committee to investigate the deadly attack on our nation’s Capitol has been organized. We will identify those who funded the insurrection, and those involved in beatings, injuries and deaths of Capitol Police officers. Ultimately, USCP will protect the country from future attacks,” Castor added.
While DeSantis could have shut down this Inquisition like, Capitol Police field office in Tampa, FL, he outright refused to, even after the local county GOP sent him a letter requesting the office be shut down!
“Governor DeSantis, you must withdraw and terminate any real or perceived permissions,” Hillsborough County GOP Chairman Col. Jim Waurishuk stated. “The existence of Capitol Police and the FBI in our State is a global statement that Florida Sheriffs and Peace Officers are incompetent and incapable of doing their jobs. Further, this is a slap in the face to our local Sheriffs and Police officers.”
In true DeSantis fashion, he ignored the requests of Floridians and the MAGA base.
But, wait! There’s more! Nikki Fried, who was elected as Florida Agriculture Commissioner in 2018 when DeSantis was first elected Governor of Florida, was the only Democrat to serve in DeSantis’s cabinet. In Florida, the Agriculture Commissioner controls the licensing process for Conceal Carry Firearm permits.
In direct violation of the Second Amendment, Nikki Fried illegally stripped the Conceal Carry permits for dozens of Pro-Trump Floridians who were in Washington DC on January 6, even though they had not been found guilty of a crime.

DeSantis had the authority as Governor to reprimand Nikki Fried for her abuse of power and illegal red flagging of Floridians, but he never once issued a statement about her actions, and never did anything to stop her anti-Second Amendment political witch hunt.

One would think that Governor DeSantis, who prides himself on being the Governor of “the free state of Florida” (in name only of course) would respect American’s right to protest, as well as their right to bear arms, as is outlined in both the First and Second Amendments of the United States Constitution. However, DeSantis is the furthest thing from a free speech absolutist, and as an advocate for unconstitutional “Red Flag” laws, he is also certainly not a staunch gun-rights advocate.
As Governor of Florida, DeSantis has further demonstrated his disdain for the right to political protest and the right to peacefully assemble when he championed a bill that criminalizes non-violent protests outside of “residential areas”. His bill is a direct violation of the First Amendment, and while I was running for Congress in Florida’s 11th Congressional District as an America First Republican and Free Speech absolutist, I was very vocal about my opposition to DeSantis’s protest law, and its violation of the First Amendment rights of Floridians.
In contrast, President Donald Trump has been standing up for the J6 patriots and political prisoners. He has consoled the family of Ashli Babbitt. And most recently, he promised to use presidential pardon power to undo the criminal injustice being carried out in this government funded act of political persecution.
President Trump has also provided financial support for some of the J6 political prisoners.

President Trump is doing all of this while he and his family are simultaneously facing multiple civil harassment lawsuits funded by left-wing billionaires, and a criminal referral by Pelosi’s January 6th Kangaroo Court.
On the issue of the J6 political prisoners, the difference between Trump and DeSantis couldn’t be more clear. DeSantis, a career government prosecutor with a documented history of participating in the torture of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, wants the J6ers locked away in prison where they are also being tortured. In comparison, Donald Trump is a tried and true proven fighter who will set these patriotic political prisoners free when he wins re-election in 2024.
If GOP voters are undecided or somehow conflicted (amidst the growing wave of anti-Trump propaganda in the media and on social media) regarding who they should support for President in 2024, the choice is simple. If you believe the DOJ is abusing its power to conduct political witch hunts, and if you are in favor of full pardons for J6 political prisoners, then Donald J Trump is your candidate.
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Very interesting read. Things I didn’t know about DeSantis. 🤔
This article appears to be verified. It shows an entirely different picture of Ron DeSantis than MOST of us have previously seen, and it is not a pretty picture, nor an America First one. I have been a big supporter of DeSantis until I read this article and researched to see if it was true. With this background, he might should forgo ever running for president. He does not appear to be who we thought he was.