Laura- This video is fabulous 🤩!!! So 1. I just upgraded to paid because your work is so fantastic and 2. I donated to your political campaign and was crestfallen when you lost and 3. My screen name is my favorite 20th century British author but I'm a fellow female who has to say that when I see or hear men say that they can't tolerate Trump's disposition or personality I automatically think they have low T. 🤣

It's so bizarre to me. Even if he grated my nerves which he doesn't, I would respect his take no prisoners pit bull bad assery.

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To the few trolls on this forum spewing delusional fake news: (one quotes not just foreign source but Iranian to make his point that Bragg is being targeted by Maga crowd) This is known as perennial victimhood claim for leftists.


Yes DA big Al is so victimized. I think we should put him up for sainthood stat.

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Another good one to chew on ... BLM rah

Will Smith Hollywood actor calls for death of all white Trump supporters in USA and that they be given ankle bracelets while awaiting their purge;


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Ex-CIA Coleman claims that an international committee, led by the Bilderberg Group and Western intelligence agencies, would steer the world towards a dystopian future, in which 4 billion “useless eaters” would be eliminated by 2030 through limited wars, organized epidemics, and starvation.


Peter Thiel Trump campaign manager ( &financier) 2016 & 2024 is BilderBerg-USA president, and BilderbergGroup-UK rules the world & London Banks;


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Bragg begs Trump to tell his base to quit inciting violence against his family.

Bragg and family now get 100's of death-threats per day, and have an entire team of police 24/7 protecting them, just a city DA;


Judge asks Trump to avoid inciting violence, ‘civil unrest’

Appears that Trump will get that GAG order he wants so much, where he violates then goes to prison, will deSantis offer safe-refuge if NYC issues an arrest warrant for contempt of court??

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The charges were ultimately dropped due to public outrage. Bragg is getting death threats because he's a Soros tool, not because of Trump. NYPD can't stand him or their wackadoo mayor.

Your screen name is PERFECT. And you quote echo chamber media sites that are foreign, not American. You're so desperate to affirm your hatred of Trump and his supporters.

You and your media said the same thing about his rallies. I went to one and the unhinged leftists were the ones inciting violence but that's what you do Bilbo's Bitch, you resort to violence like Bolshevik thugs because brute force is all you have, no facts.

It's amazing this country is being destroyed by you and your ilk. And as the Titanic is sinking you're celebrating. And the Titanic is sinking due to people like you destroying it with bad policy. As a rational person, unlike you, it's mind boggling. But I will pray for you and your willful ignorance.

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Before Trump indictment Bragg got a few 'threats' now its 100's per day, you know there is a pill you can take for removing the orange-phallus from your arse. It's called ex-lax;

Bragg is a SOROS tool, the Pope is Catholic; Trump is a Pedophile;

Trump will get his gag-order and then get a contempt of court and then goto J6 jail to be sodomized by Obama's Gorilla's; They dropped Nixon's protection, they can nix Trumps secret-service detail;

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LOL.. Bidhole is the pedophile. You niggeRATS never get anything right.

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Stupidity is so boring BBitch. Great for sleep tho. 😴😴😴

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Bragg will be in prison with his sugar Daddy Soros on 1/21/2025, the day after President Trump is sworn in.

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Good!!! Run his ass out of town!!!

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Something happens to Bragg family, then Trump gets GAG order and goes to J6 jail, cuz TRUMP cannot keep his mouth shut;

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You sound rather ignorant. Must be a Bidhole voter!

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Gerald- B(iden) not Bilbo Beatch is unhinged. I had to block him because he resorted to typical leftist attacks on me...denigration and referencing my orange male genitalia when he's so ignorant he assumed by my screen name I'm a guy. Low T beta male and EQ zero. Plus shrill and grating like Hillary. 😂

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There's a lot of them out there!

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Indeed Gerald indeed! I love how he is quoting Iranian news sources about Trump indictment. 😭 And he's probably so clueless that he doesn't realize that Tolkien, who wrote Lord of the Rings, was one of the greatest Catholic writers in 20th century England. He had 5 kids, one of whom became a priest. Tolkien is shaking his head from heaven that this tool is referencing his work in his screen name. Happy Easter!

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You Trannys are mentally ill freaks

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Trump calls for defunding US Justice Department and FBI


Trump has gone full BLM & ANTI-FA all at once; Who Knew???

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They should be. Your niggeRAT party has weaponized them.

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

Here's comes the frenetic unhinged Democrat. Try Brietbart. Conservatives will engage you for hours and essentially decimate your babble but Substack is for real commentary. Bless your heart you poor thing.

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

Excuse me, but this PR here is out of Iran, did you even bother to read before you dumped your RINO Talking-Points?

Is it ironic that Trump now calling for "Defund the Pigs", not unlike BLM/anti-FA in 2019 in USA streets, I mean riots;

Why is Trump not calling for the de-funding of CIA and/or NSA??

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Even better!!!! IRAN . If you're pulling Intel from IRAN that says it all.

It said UK at bottom. 🤣🤣🤣

ALSO your boy Clinton violented raped dozens of women, your boy Biden is a known pedophile. He raped his own daughter Ashley who ended up with drug addiction as most women with sexual abuse do, your gal Pelosi is guilty of insider trading.

I can't waste my time anymore talking to an unhinged Democrat who thinks I have a penis when I'm a half Mohawk/German female who obviously has more balls than you Low T sycophant. 🤣🤣🤣

I've always wondered how people like you survive in life in the workplace. Wish you the best in your delusion. This is the funniest stuff I've read in awhile. I can hat tip you for that at least. 🎉

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

Why do you dumb fucking hasbara IDF unit-8200 autists always tell the goyim they only have two choices, that of biden the gray, or trump the orange??

Fuck the ZOG choices, Fuck ZOG, fuck hasbara autists, and fuck Trump&Biden.


INTEL from Iran, ok numb-nutz press.ir is the newspaper of Iran, like your NYT aka "CIA newspaper of record", Your boy Trump dumped COVID on Iran in 2019, and then killed their most loved General; Iran didn't even write this PR, it came from a USA source, most likely Reuters, but I haven't seen it in US press, because most likely the USA gatekeepers don't want people to think about de-funding the FBI (ZOG POLICE) or Just-US System ( ZOG COURTS)


Whose cock would Belloc suck? Biden the Gray, or Trump the Orange?

Bilbo would say, "NO COCK for me, thank you very much", BELLOC loves cock;

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So you have exposed yourself as an Iranian Terrorist, stay hidden beitch

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Apologies it posted last comment twice and so I tried to delete duplicate and it deleted both. Smh

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Hat tip SuperMario! Pithy and sweet! 💥💥💥🤣🤣🤣

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Laura - why didn't the Jacksonville Grand Jury discuss Kent Stermon?

How can you call Jacksonville a trafficking/transport hub and not ask why Stermon killed himself?

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I think you uploaded it wrong maybe

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Police video is the same as Southern Blvd WPB video

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