I've been very critical of Laura's regular attacks on DeSantis, but I'm in the process of changing my mind, something most people seem unable to do these days. I no longer trust him. I got burnt with Obama, I'm embarrassed to admit. To me, a typically ignorant Democrat at the time, the silver tongued Obama with the soaring rhetoric, especially compared with the barely literate previous President George Bush, looked to be the second coming of Abraham Lincoln. It's pathetic, but true. I fell for all of it. And I've promised myself that I'd be much more careful in the future., to avoid such a foolish mistake again.

Anyway, it starts to appear you've been correct. Laura. My sincere apologies

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Ron DeAbsence

3/20/23 Rone


Trump: DeSantis Channeling McCain, Romney With Ukraine Flip-Flop

3/24/23 Andrew White


"A political candidate who flip flops is wearing flip flops - a shoe on each foot, or in each camp. Cant be trusted. Ask DeSantis his position on Illegal migrants & what he would do about them, besides a wall. Ask Ron about social equity & see if he understands it's about government control. Ask Ron how he'd negotiate with Russia & China. Expect to hear Trump's voice. Then stop listening to Ron. It's TRUMP 2024, or bats up! '

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Glad to have you on the winning Patriotic team!

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I think I already was. But I like the comment anyway!

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Thank you, Laura Loomer for choosing to be a Member of The Press that actually Investigates and Reports TRUTH...instead of reading from a Media Monopoly Government Approved SCRIPT. The purpose of a Free Press is to inform the AMERICAN PUBLIC/TAXPAYERS of the Actions of PUBLIC EMPLOYEES that infringe on the Rights of and affect the lives of AMERICAN CITIZENS/TAXPAYERS,

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Well done, Laura.

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Great article Laura. I’ll be sharing them on my 3 social media accounts. Many thanks.

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I still remember you being the ONLY person to cover the Valley Fair (Minnesota) ordeal years ago. The media hid it all and all videos people took disappeared from all social media.

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So glad to get your LOOMER UNLEASHED articles! Still love getting your emails, but can't share them. Thank you so much. Your faithful follower...

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so about the time the last court thing happend i was swarmed with hundreds and hundred a simm suit tump girls witch made no sence .. i think we sould find out who they all are and why they did that to me ..dont you laura

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