Biden and his whole Democrat team are communist. What did we expect no borders the man is on vacation all the time nobody in charge probably Obama is in charge. What a sad, sad country we have become in the last three years.

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This is one of the reasons for the 2nd.

1. buy more ammo

2. Practice, practice,practice

3. Get physically & psychologically prepared to kill and possibly die

4. Get right with God (see 3)

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While The THREAT is Real .... It Is Still Pre-planned and comes from "Our" Own Deep Statists who are NWO Bankster Fed DC Traitors.

No different than 9/11, Jan 6, and many Earlier FALSE FLAGS that are attributed to Desiginated Foreign "Enemies".

We are being "Played" to Respond like after 9/11 for Moar War. Bush the Younger wanted war with Iran, Obamy & Biden Funded Iran, Left Billions in Military Equipment in Afghanistan, destroyed Iraq, Syria, and Libya.

All We got was the "Patriot Act" FIB Swat Raids, and more Domestic Gov Tyranny on US!!!

Now with 100's of Thousands of Illegal Insurgent Islamists here in the USSA, & only a small % can destroy Urban Police, Nat'l Guard will be maxxed out as Multiple Major democRat Cities will look like the Middle East come home to us.

Not to forget the Mex Cartels/Gangs already controlling the Borders, and Bribing USSA Politicians, Border Governors sold out their states (AZ, NM, TX, CA)

Too many of We/Me/You are still brainwashed in the Uni-Party Political Illusion of the DC Coup GrubMint. Are We, to varying degrees, "Liberal" Sheeples too?

We have certainly allowed ourselves to be shot in the foot, while ProgreSSives shot themselves in the head. My question have We/Me/You been wounded Enough??? or Do We need Moar???

I suspect the answer is Moar War, CW and/or WW.


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