Thank you for exposing more brazen attempts to “fortify” our elections. What can be done?

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Hellooo....May 8-9, sitting ducks ripe for picking...😉

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Love it!!! 😆

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So far the answer I found is "all of the above." Whatever it is, start taking actions:


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What fresh election-rigging hell is this?

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Never let a good crisis go to waste.

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Expose expose expose. That is how we win against the Khazarian Mafia.

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Comforting to know the cheaters are already making plans to steal the election again. If that happens America will be gone forever I'm afraid!! Not sure we can counter this fairly and win unless we turn to God for support!! Great idea that we should include God in the very country he created!!

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Scott- could not agree more!!! We had an army of prayer warriors of all denominations praying and fasting in 2016. My daily prayer group is already praying for Trump in 2024 and I will begin to fast 5 to 6 months before the election. If you want to join sign up for the St Joseph Partners fasting emails. While I'm Catholic and it's run by Catholics, there are a ton of Protestants subscribed so the founders will send out inspirational fasting emails featuring Protestant Minister's talks as well!!!

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Count me in. Glad to be part of something larger than myself

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Not surprised to see the ugly mugs of Gates and Richter included in the soros's advisory board.

I'm sure these worms will be the first one's to arrive at the secret Spy Museum election summit, to suck up to soros by setting up the tables, chairs, and mixing the kool-aid.

Everytime I see their faces I want to get a sharpie and enhance their masks.

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Laura..Fantastic overview..those elected officials from Florida attending this "SUMMIT" are knowledgeable of Beckers blatant partisanship and are working against free and fair elections in Florida. Cord Byrd already booted Becker out of Florida but unfortunately there are SOE's who are loyal to Becker. Petition needs to be started that denies taxpayer money reimbursement for this event. and ends any relationship with Becker. Maria Matthews (Director of Elections) needs to put an end to clandestine associations! These are elected positions! ONE DAY..ONE VOTE..,PAPER BALLOTS! We will only have fair elections when digital voting is gone! NO MACHINES!!

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Democracy Dies in Darkness....you know that's the tag line at the top of the Washington Post or better known as Wapoo Paper? What a joke leftists are. Do they think we don't know they are consummate liars.

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What kills me is that George Soros who is openly attempting to tear down America and destroy democracy is allowed to be a citizen. and as far as Becker goes ...follow the money!

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