This happens because Republicans suck at their job.

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Wait...whut? You think the "job" of Republicans is to represent us rubes??? Good Lord Marilyn, their job is to present the illusion of representation while amassing huge personal wealth selling out our country and allowing the subversion of resistance.

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Sadly, you're both right! The Rs are destroying the US and are complicit with the DirtbagDems. Neither party are even LOOKING at the Jan6 innocent prisoners, who are there as a reminder to PresidentTrump.

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The Republican Party is its own “House Divided” between America First MAGA Patriots and the RNC GOP Establishment RINOs.


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The Republican Party is its own “House Divided” between America First MAGA Patriots and the RNC GOP Establishment RINOs.


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The Republican Party is its own “House Divided” between America First MAGA Patriots and the RNC GOP Establishment RINOs.


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The contempt I feel for the Republican Party is palpable. I’ve always despised the democrats but now feel even more animosity towards the Republicans. It probably my own fault because I kept giving them a chance. It sickens me that I ever trusted them.

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The Republican Party is its own “House Divided” between America First MAGA Patriots and the RNC GOP Establishment RINOs.


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sundance is at the front of my bookmark line

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Yet another rock overturned to reveal the cockroaches working at bringing down 🇺🇸 America.

Very well done Laura. This information will go a long way to rooting out these demented spawn when DJT rebuilds his team in 2024 Whitehouse.

Bless and keep you safe and prosperous.

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As usual, Im backed up on my email. I forwarded the conservative treehouse article to myself. THANK YOU!!!!

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