awesome job as usual

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We all to spread the news, and get this to trump!

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Apr 11, 2023
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Look at Rino Barr. His behavior is disgusting but I can't help but LMAO on Rubio's former 2016 campaign strategist in this article:

Trump Dominating Media Airwaves Again After Arrest: ‘Deja Vu’ of 2016 https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/trump-dominating-media-airwaves-again-after-arrest-deja-vu-of-2016_5184063.html?utm_source=andshare

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Apr 11, 2023
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AI- You and me both. He got me over all the Deep State Rinos. Pence I never trusted to begin with so that was a "wash".

Emphasize "one of the biggest of my life in the political realm".

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You are a legend. Princelings like Connor McCarthy and Judge Merchan's daughter Loren must get exposed to show their parents' conflicts of interest. Keep pushing back against the GAE color revolution against the USA: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-conduct-a-show-trial-merchan

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WOW - this article is phenomenal investigative journalism! I know I said I can't share this, but I will quote most of it, leaving out some of what the leftards would be happy about. This is a war for the sovereignty of our country and the freedom of we the people. We must do everything we can do to fight them and put Trump in the White House for the 2nd term he's owed. Our enemies, both foreign and domestic, are growing in numbers and so must we. If we fail, we"ll "own nothing," including our lives.

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DeSantis won't even win his own state in the presidential primary. Trump will take it.

I as a person am fiercely loyal. I detest the lack of loyalty and ingratitude that DeSantis is where he is, due to Trump. Loved the guy before he betrayed Trump. Now he's 😑 meh.

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Apr 11, 2023
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You nailed it with that summation and broke the internet today to boot. Hat tip! 🎉🎉🎉

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Awesome work Laura! 💪🏻

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RECEIPTS!! You blow it out of the water once again!

I wish we had more investigative journalists as dedicated as you. Sharing in my little Facebook group.

Keep up the GREAT work.

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My family and friends said Ronny-the-Rino has so far fallen from "grace" that they won't even vote for him again in Florida, where they expect him to remain because the people they and those they know in several other states said he won't win the 2024 presidential election. And I say these traitorous betrayers in the running will just secure even more Trump voters!

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Agreed on your analysis 😉

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This one outraged me so much that I got off my A-- and subscribed.

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Thank you Laura, I am trying to increase clarity on American politics from here in Australia and this research is very helpful. It confirms more why I was disappointed when McCarthy became speaker, I could smell a rat then and I smell it still! From Sydney Australia... who loves freedom

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Well I know that Kevin is a White Hat’s Military Actor and the MSM are no longer in control, so my analysis is that the White Hat’s Military are showing us the truth about who is for the American People and who is Against Us.

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From whom did Connor inherit his RINO genes? Mother or father? But until Speaker McCarthy puts his words to action against Bragg, I can't share this. But I will quote that RINO Paul Ryans' top 3 picks for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination are  RINOS Tim Scott, Glenn Youngkin & Ron DeSantis. 

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Paul Ryan is as bad as Pelosi and Biden. He disgusts me because when he was running with that other farce and egomaniac, Romney, he talked about his Catholicism and how St Aquinas' Summa Theologica was his favorite book.

When he became speaker I revisited that in an email I sent to speakerofhouse.gov and asked him if he had gotten past the cover and had he ever read any of St. Thomas Aquinas' writings on National Sovereignity, Immigration, and Islam. One of the Doctors of the Catholic Church looks like Thomas Jefferson on these issues.

Ryan's wife is a pro-abortion Dem and attorney. Enuf said.

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Thanks for the info. I remember reading about some of what you exposed, but will pass on your great reply to others.

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He also has an enormous iron gated fence around his mansion in WI but when Angel Moms from Houston came to try to speak with him about open border, he completely ignored them and hid and then left with his security detail out of the back of his house. Ryan operates in a very Soros like way. He tries to stay out of spot light and do his evil in the dark.

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Further, these Three Stooges are funded and supported by Big Tech, George Soros, Club for Growth, and other members of the global elite cabal. I'm at the point where I'm willing to sever relationships with everyone who supports either of them. Interestingly, they picked not one, but 3 foul odors. I love my country and will do everything I can to keep it from stinking it up by sticking it up with anti-American liars pretending to be Republicans.

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Amen!!! ❤️❤️❤️

I have always said that a Rino is worse than a Dem almost, because at least a Dem lets you know they have "lost the plot", as the Brits would say up front.

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Yes, RINO can be worse. Democrats will spit in our face and we know who they are, but RINO democrat spit on our backs and we don't always know who they are. bollocks to both, as the Brits would say - lol.

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You're adorable Malene! 🤣 💛 Karen

PS. How does Laura get these scoops that no one else has. It's insane in a good way.

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What's the male term for "Karen"?

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I don't know but that's my real name and to be honest I've always hated it but I don't know why they started using it in ignominy for " white older entitled high maintenance women" and I'm bi-racial and the exact opposite of that. In fact I'm almost half Mohawk but my mom is Irish/German.

Every Karen I know is so kind and I don't know very many.

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i can guarantee my vote in '24 will be for donald j trump. i can also predict, the only way desantis gets to the oval office, is to serve coffee. USA, USA, USA MAGA!!!

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I did not know any of this, Thank you for reporting.

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Same old Frank Luntz wing of the GOP

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DeSantis is a Bush and we all know it. Good luck to Jeb 2.0. He’ll need it.

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