If DeSantis is not a deep state puppet, he’s doing all the right things to make us think he is...

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This is poison to a campaign. DeSantis is so desperate for endorsements & $$ he’s willing to overlook this. For those who say alleged OK 👌

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Pretty sleazy, Laura!

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Apr 20, 2023·edited Apr 20, 2023

DeSantis in not "presidential material," imo. He has an air of dishonesty, a lack of composure, and a "caught red-handed" facial expression all the time.

He also has an annoying voice and an undignified manner.

Not someone I'd even have the slightest desire to meet or have a conversation with.

P.S. His campaign commercials on New England television are poorly conceived and awkwardly presented. A waste of money.

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There were questions and allegations about the previous AG of Florida along with others. GOD willing ALL these names will finally be exposed. When they are, lots of people will be totally shocked as to who is named.

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It's the Club for Growth connection. NOTHING and NO ONE good comes from them.

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Why do people think these Rinos are not from the same ilk as their partners on the other side of the Uniparty?

There's plenty of examples over the years with the Lincoln project being the most recent that comes to mind.

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I’m sure the prosecutors are captured there!

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Trump frequently dines with white supremacists. Fuck you loomer bitch. Why did you sign me up for your fucking news (fake) letter. You are in the same camp as Alex Jones. Fake conspiracy crap. DeSantis is head and shoulders above dumbass Trump.

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"Alleged by his ex-wife."

I have no idea who you (Loomer) are, and have zero desire to know more about you.

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Laura, you know that an accusation doesn’t prove guilt. Thank God we still have trials to determine the truth of an allegation. Do we believe all women just because they are women?

“Kimbrell came to his defense, and he blamed the charges on his ex-wife, Kacy Kimbrell.”

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This is all so overwhelmingly disgusting. The wicked are so above it all. It is so crystal clear that they boldenly do it right in our face. You know who you are. Enjoy the CNN etc. garbage bin trash. Take it out on your way out. We'll leave the light on for yah if you can handle the LIGHT. Thankie

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