WATCH EPISODE 43: TERRORIST TAKEOVER: College Campuses Held Hostage by HAMAS
On Episode 43 of Loomer Unleashed, Laura Loomer is joined by the Former United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs, Monica Crowley, and Former FBI Agent John Guandolo.
Follow Laura Loomer on Twitter, Rumble, and Locals here.
Over the past several years, there has been an alliance emerging on college campuses around the country. With each passing day since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas conflict, it has been gaining momentum. I am, of course, referring to the strange alliance between Left-wing Marxists in academia and Hamas-supporting Islamists. At first glance, this partnership may seem unlikely, even contradictory, but upon closer examination, it reveals a complex web of shared interests and ideological convergence. Tonight on Loomer Unleashed, we will be diving head first into this dangerous, burgeoning, Anti-American union known as the red-green alliance.
To understand the roots of this red-green alliance, we must first acknowledge the historical context in which it has emerged. Leftist movements, rooted in principles of social justice, equality, and anti-imperialism, have long sought allies in their struggle against perceived oppressors—the state, corporations, and traditional power structures. Similarly, Islam, as a political ideology, seeks to establish societies governed by Islamic principles, often in opposition to Western hegemony and perceived moral decay.
In the crucible of modern academia, these disparate ideologies find common ground in their critique of Western civilization and its accompanying institutions. The leftist critique of capitalism, imperialism, and colonialism resonates with the Islamist narrative of Western hegemony and cultural imperialism. Both camps see themselves as challengers to the status quo, united in their quest for social justice and cultural authenticity.
But it is not merely a shared critique of the West that binds leftists and Islamists in academia. There is also a strategic calculus at play. Leftist professors, disillusioned by the failures of Marxist revolutions and the limitations of identity politics, see in Islamism a potent force for mobilization—a grassroots movement with the potential to challenge entrenched power structures.
Conversely, Islamists recognize the intellectual legitimacy and institutional power of leftist academia, viewing it as a platform to amplify their message and garner support for their cause. In the halls of universities, where ideas are born, debated, and disseminated, the coalition between leftists and Islamists finds fertile ground in the minds of our young adults.
This alliance exists in spite of the massive ideological contradictions between these two groups. While Leftists are championing the feminist movement, Muslims are happy to stone women. While Democrats are in total support of gays and trannies, the Islamic community would prefer to throw them from the roofs of buildings and hang them from cranes, as we have seen videos of. While Marxism is built on atheism and anti-religion, Islam is, of course, a theocratic supremacist ideology. Islamic societies and countries are governed by Sharia Law. These drastic differences have been put aside in spirit of the classic “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” mentality to unite against a common perceived enemy: the West.
This has produced a deep rooted rot across academia. It is a cancer which detests America and Israel, Christians and Jew alike. It is being condoned by professors and administrators at the highest levels of the most elite universities. And it is being encouraged by the Biden administration and other left-wing democrats who have been trying to appease both sides since October in an effort to win the large, uncommitted Islamic vote in states like Michigan and Minnesota.
This has resulted in the extremely concerning pro-Hamas demonstrations seen at many universities this past week. From MIT to Harvard, from Columbia to Yale, leftist students and faculty have been staging walk-outs, lock-ins, and massive demonstrations. The worst has occurred at Columbia University, where hundreds of student protestors have decided to camp out on the school’s quad indefinitely. They call their little encampment the “Liberated Zone” in a maneuver reminiscent of Antifa’s CHAZ in Seattle back in 2020. While CHAZ became the butt of many jokes regarding the goofy idiocy of the communist left, what has been created on the lawn at Columbia is no laughing matter. It is a major national security risk, and it is open glorification of Islamic terrorism.
As The Atlantic reported on Monday, this group is highly organized and is explicitly targeting Jewish peers. If a Jew or known Zionist is seen entering the quad, a message is sent to everyone that an enemy has entered their ranks. This exact scenario led to the protesters forming a human chain earlier this week to literally physically obstruct a Jewish student from walking near the camp.
The protestors now claim that they will refuse to leave the quad until their demands are met. Namely, they want Columbia to sever ties with any Zionist organization that supports the Israeli war effort. So significant is this protest that Columbia has now been forced to cancel classes for the rest of the semester, shifting to online instruction via zoom. This move has drawn massive criticism from students who have already paid their $75,000 per year tuition, to big name donors such as Billionaire Patriots owner Robert Kraft, who are all concerned about the rise in anti-semitism at their alma mater. Even President Donald Trump took time away from his very busy court schedule this week to point out that the university has essentially surrendered to the leftist protestors.
So, let’s be clear about what is happening right now. Multiple universities here in America have been totally taken over by mobs of anti-semitic, Left-wing goons and Islamic terrorist supporters who are getting nice and cozy with terror organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah. Regardless of your opinion on the war, or your opinions in aid to Israel, does this not concern you? Isn’t it a bit problematic to have a massive group of young adults so fervently supporting a group which regularly chants death to America? These are the people who are to become the next generation of lawyers, professors, CEOs, doctors, and sadly, our future politicians. These are Ivy League students, supposedly the best and brightest youth in America…Yet, here they are openly supporting an Islamic terrorist organization, threatening harm to Jews, and shutting down our elite institutions. This is a massive national security risk, and Joe Biden is refusing to do anything about it. Is it any wonder that some Republicans have called for the National Guard to be sent in to shut these protests down and to ensure safety on these campuses? We are talking about the beginnings of a cell of anti-American radicals being groomed as we speak.
While I am an adamant supporter of the first amendment, this is a bridge too far. To be clear, these people are not merely expressing their opinion on the war between Israel and HAMAS. Instead their rhetoric has now reached the point of literally calling for violence against our country and the global Jewish population. That is not the American way, and if we are not careful to nip this growing movement in the bud, it will come back to bite all of us–Jewish and Christian alike.
Follow Laura Loomer on Twitter, Rumble, and Locals here.