Laura Reacts to the News: Is DeSantis’s Shadow Campaign Violating The Law? Trump Says He Will Be ARRESTED ON TUESDAY, James O'Keefe Launches New Media Group + More
Biden's FTC Targets Elon Musk, FL Republican Lawmaker Creates Communist "Blogger Bill", Mexico's President Threatens to Tell Latinos to Vote Democrat, VA Gov Youngkin Backs Transgender Bathrooms...
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Welcome to Laura Reacts to the News! This is where you will get my take on various national news stories each week.
Ron DeSantis hit with an ethics complaint from Trump super PAC
By Matt Dixon at NBC News
SUMMARY: Donald Trump’s allies are stepping up their battle with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, formally accusing him of violating state ethics and election laws with his “shadow presidential campaign.”
WATCH: Trump PAC Files Ethics Complaint Against DeSantis For BREAKING THE LAW
I've been saying for weeks that Ron DeSantis has been illegally running a shadow presidential campaign, in violation of FEC rules, and Florida's Resign to Run law.
If you’ll recall, several weeks ago I referred to Ron DeSantis' book tour as a shadow presidential campaign, and I accused him of violating Florida election laws by running for president before officially filing with the FEC.
And now, it looks like President Trump’s Super PAC agrees with my assessment and reporting, because NBC News has just published a draft of a 15-page ethics complaint that has been drafted by Make America Great Again Inc., a Pro-Trump Super PAC, against Governor Ron DeSantis for alleged campaign finance violations, FEC violations, and violations of various Florida statutes.
According to the draft, that was sent to the chairman of the Florida Commission on Ethics, there is strong evidence that Governor Ron DeSantis has engaged in illegal conduct.
Ron DeSantis is certainly conducting campaign style activities over a protracted period of time, in anticipation for the 2024 primary. This can be seen through Ron DeSantis' national book tour, and his highly publicized speeches in key caucus and primary states that one must win in order to secure the GOP nomination. Additionally, there has been wide spread speculation and media reports that Ron DeSantis and his allies, either through PACs, LLCs, and other forms of dark money, have recruited, and are allegedly paying a group of conservative social media influencers, overseen by Christina Pushaw, Governor DeSantis' official rapid response director, and former press secretary.
It is illegal for elected officials to mix their official tax payer funded staffing operations with campaign business.
On Page 5 of the drafted complaint, filed by President Trump's PAC, they rightfully accuse Ron DeSantis of using his tax payer-funded security detail as Governor of Florida to provide personal protection for him at his out of state shadow presidential activities.
If you read and subscribe to Loomer Unleashed here on Substack, you wouldn't have needed to read the complaint, because most of what is included in this, has already been reported by me right here and on my Twitter, as a part of my investigation into Ron DeSantis' shadow presidential campaign.
I'm really happy I'm not the only one who has noticed these violations. It looks like the Trump campaign has been reading my Substack and my Twitter feed; Imagine that!
Law enforcement agencies are prepping for a possible Trump indictment as early as next week
By Jonathan Dienst at NBC News
Local, state and federal law enforcement and security agencies are preparing for the possibility that former President Donald Trump will be indicted as early as next week, according to five senior officials familiar with the preparations.
We live in a Third World communist dictatorship. This is nothing more than the WEAPONIZATION OF GOVERNMENT against the best President our country has ever had. It is unprecedented to think that the Manhattan District Attorney under the corrupt, Alvin Bragg, is going to have the President arrested and indicted on bogus charges!

On Saturday morning, President Trump took to his Truth Social account to say, “ILLEGAL LEAKS from the corrupt and highly political Manhattan District Attorney” indicated that President Trump will be ARRESTED on Tuesday, March 21!

Anyone who supports the arrest and indictment of President Donald Trump is not an American patriot. They are a TRAITOR to the country and an enemy to freedom and liberty.
One thing is certain. If President Trump is arrested and indicted, it will be terrible for our country, but extremely beneficial for his 2024 re-election campaign. Arresting Trump will unleash hell in our nation and fire the American people up to flood the polls to vote for President Trump, and against the corrupt DOJ! President Trump will win in a LANDSLIDE VICTORY in 2024 if he is arrested and indicted, and Elon Musk seems to agree!

Remember, their target is all of us. Not President Trump. He’s the only thing standing between the Federal Government targeting all conservative Americans. President Trump is our last hope, which is why we must all rally behind him and do everything in our power to make sure he is re-elected.
Also, not surprisingly, Governor Ron DeSantis has been SILENT over the news that President Trump may be arrested and indicted on Tuesday. Probably because like the snake he is, DeSantis is waiting, wishing for President Trump to be indicted so that it clears the path for the 2024 GOP nomination, which DeSantis is desperate to win in his disloyal quest to undermine MAGA and run against President Trump, the man he OWES EVERYTHING TO!
Under FL law, the state's Governor is responsible for making sure a person in the state is arrested & delivered to another state if that person is indicted on a felony charge.
This will be the ultimate test for Ron DeSantis. But, sadly, I don’t think he will do anything to help President Trump. Just like he didn’t do anything to help President Trump when the FBI raided his home at Mar a Lago in Palm Beach, Florida!

Ron DeSantis disavows Florida GOPer’s blogger registration bill
By Mark Moore at The New York Post
DeSantis pointed out at a news conference that lawmakers can introduce measures independently and said he was surprised he became associated with State Sen. Jason Brodeur’s proposal that would require bloggers who cover government to register with the state.

According to Florida Senate Bill 1316 sponsored by GOP State Sen. Jason Brodeur, “Bloggers” otherwise known as independent journalists (like me!) who write about Governor DeSantis will have to “register” with the State of Florida if they want to be able to write about and report on Governor Ron DeSantis and other top elected officials in Florida, including the Florida Attorney General. If bloggers don’t register with the state, then they’ll be fined on a daily basis, according to the bill.
However, after widespread condemnation of the bill from both the Left and the Right, and all lovers of the First Amendment, Ron DeSantis had to walk back his ultimate end goal of banning all criticism of himself.
When asked about the bill during a press conference, DeSantis said, “Any person can file bills, and I see these people filing bills.”
However, his reply was disingenuous. DeSantis made is seem like the sponsor of the bill was some random legislator who he has never heard of, when in reality, the bill was created by a pro-DeSantis Republican legislator, State Sen. Jason Brodeur, who was ENDORSED by Governor DeSantis. His Blogger Bill deliberately invokes the name of DeSantis, and there’s no way Brodeur drafted this bill and filed it without consulting with DeSantis ahead of time.

James O’Keefe Launches New Media Group Following Ouster From Project Veritas
By Shane Trejo at Big League Politics
SUMMARY: Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe has launched a new media group after being ousted by his own organization by the board of directors shortly after exposing Pfizer for gain-of-function mad science.
His new venture is called the O’Keefe Media Group and will pick up where he left off after being pushed out of Project Veritas in a shameful miscarriage of justice.
As a former Project Veritas undercover journalist, I am thrilled to see James O’Keefe, my mentor and one of my best friends, launch his new media company, OMG, otherwise known as O’Keefe Media Group. It’s the perfect acronym for the journalistic legend whose exposes often leave people with their mouth wide open saying “OH MY GOD”.
I wish James O’Keefe all the luck in the world! You can’t keep a good man down, and it won’t be long before the board members of Project Veritas, who ousted James O’Keefe from the company he created, come running, begging for him to come back!
Watch his new video here!
Biden Administration Targets Elon Musk Through FTC
By New York Post Editorial Board
SUMMARY: The agency not only sent letter after letter digging into Twitter’s layoffs, it’s also demanding all internal communications by, from or about Musk — and telling him to name reporters he’s shared info with.
MY TAKE: Big Brother is watching you. Or, rather, the DOJ and NSA are always watching you. And, if you’re Elon Musk, then the FTC under the radical, Uber-Leftist Pakistani Lina Khan is out to get you.

Ahead of the recent hearing about the weaponization of the federal government, it was revealed that Mrs. Khan has had her sights focused on Elon Musk ever since he purchased Twitter and exposed Twitter’s illegal political censorship and election interference through the release of the Twitter Files. As we have all seen, ff you’re saying and doing things that are inconvenient to the Government and their efforts to quell all political dissent and turn our country into a communist, banana Republic, then they’ll use every means under the sun to shut you up, or shut you down. The Biden regime is anti-free speech and anti- freedom of the press, which is why the FTC, under Khan, sent out over a dozen letters to Twitter and Twitter legal, demanding they "identify all journalists" who were granted access to the company's Twitter File archives, all internal communications related to Elon Musk, and an explanation as to why Twitter fired its deputy general counsel, former FBI lawyer Jim Baker.
This is nothing more than blatant WEAPONIZATION OF THE GOVERNMENT to persecute political opposition and dissidents.
Now they know that they have nothing on Elon, yet these people don’t care about the truth. Just as they’ve done to millions of Americans, including me, they’re now getting their goons to do their dirty work.
Yet it seems the government’s mad dash to get Musk on anything has hilariously blown up in their faces. Instead of finding any wrongdoing on Musk’s part, they’ve actually exposed their close relationship with Twitter’s old leadership.
But wait just a moment, the FTC’s responsibility is to protect consumers from predatory business practices. After all, this isn’t the NSA or FBI we’re talking about. So why are they doing this then?
It’s obvious at this point. Our government has been hijacked by corrupt fools who couldn’t give less of a damn about the people they’re supposed to serve and represent. They only care about serving themselves and making sure that they can hold power forever.
America has become the tyranny the founders warned us about.

Mexican President Threatens To Tell Latinos To Not Vote Republican
By Adam Shaw at Fox News
SUMMARY: “Starting today we are going to start an information campaign for Mexicans who live and work in the United States and for all Hispanics to inform them of what we are doing in Mexico and how this initiative by the Republicans, in addition to being irresponsible, is an offense against the people of Mexico, a lack of respect for our independence, our sovereignty,” he said.
Stolen elections have consequences! And Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador clearly understands that. Now that our border with Mexico is wide open under the illegitimate Biden regime, Mexico doesn’t have the same respect it had for our country during the Trump administration. In less than three years, we went from telling Mexico they were going to pay for our wall and work to keep illegals our of our country or else, to Mexico’s President threatening to illegally interfere in US elections if Republican lawmakers continue to be tough on the cartels and the spread of Fentanyl across the border.
We must militarize the US border, and embrace President Trump’s proposals of giving the death penalty to drug dealers, designating the Mexican cartels as terrorists, and deporting all illegal aliens back to where they came from.

Virginia Governor Calls For Transgender Bathrooms In Schools Despite Being Elected Due To Concerned Parents
By Frankie Stockes at National File
SUMMARY: Governor Glenn Youngkin was elected in a pro-parental rights wave that was largely spurred by the massive backlash to the trans bathroom rape of a teenage girl in a Loudoun County high school by a “gender-fluid” male in a skirt.
During his Thursday night CNN town hall, Youngkin called for more gender-neutral bathrooms to be placed in public schools when questioned on school sports and restroom policies by a 16-year-old “transgender man.”

MY TAKE: So let’s go through this step by step: Conservative activists see an issue, for the sake of this scenario, let’s say a young girl in High School getting raped by a biological male student wearing a dress, pretending to be a girl. Conservative activists then do the right thing and confront the school board about the cover up of the rape and the insanity of caving to transgender radicalism. The GOP then notices how popular of a political talking point parental right is, so the find a candidate who promises to fight on behalf of the activists and restore parental rights. The activists then elect this Republican, only for that very same newly elected Republican to betray them and do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they promised to do on the campaign trail.

Sound familiar?
It’s a story as old as time! It’s also what just happened in Virginia this week when Governor Glenn Younkin did a complete 180 on his campaign promises. Governor Glenn Youngkin was elected on a platform of “parental rights” and “school reform” after a transgender male raped a man’s daughter at Stone Bridge High School.
The sexually confused boy was then transferred to Broad Run High School where he went on to do the EXACT SAME THING. Naturally, parents were outraged and took to their school board to demand to know what the hell was going on in the schools they fund with THEIR tax money.
It turns out the public schools were indoctrinating minor students with LITERAL child porn. In a sensible country, those responsible would’ve been given the death penalty (if they even made it to court first!) But, we clearly now live in an asylum that is controlled by the mental patient inmates.
It has become evident very quickly that the GOP has no interest in actually fixing the problem despite all of their empty, and failed promises to eradicate CRT and the sexual exploitation of children in the public school system.
I won’t waste your time with Youngkin’s backstory, but he was the co-CEO of the Carlyle Group (a private equity firm), so he’s about as swampy as they come. But despite his past, the brave parents of Virginia who showed up to advocate for their kids while facing threats of doxxing and political persecution at the hands of the DOJ, which classified these parents as “domestic terrorists”, showed up to vote Younkin into office with a desperate wish for reform under his leadership.
Let this be a lesson to anyone who ever takes a politician at their word: THEY ARE ALL LIARS.
Youngkin has seemingly reversed his “culture warrior” stance. Appearing at a CNN town hall with Jake Tapper, Younkin said “What’s most important is that we try very hard to accommodate students, that’s why I have said many many times, we just need extra bathrooms in schools. We need gender-neutral bathrooms, and so, people can use the bathroom that they in fact are comfortable with.”
How many times does this scenario need to play out before conservative activists realize the GOP doesn’t care about them or their kids???
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In Truth,
Laura Loomer
Thanks for the info Laura and have a nice weekend!
Rumor is that Ron is going to use his friend James “Vertol” Montgomerie and their IC connections to pull some stunt Tuesday, we will see what dirty tricks Meatball plays.