EXCLUSIVE: Baltimore County Public Schools And The Michigan Department Of Education Send Out Memos Detailing Instructions About How Teachers Can Help Obstruct ICE Raids
Democrat officials across the country are endangering American school children by instructing educators on how to provide a safe haven for illegal alien students who qualify for deportation.
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In light of President Trump’s recent executive orders on immigration, I have obtained exclusive memos from Baltimore County Public Schools and The Michigan Department of Education that contain detail instructions for teachers and administrators on how to obstruct ICE raids at public schools. The Baltimore County Public Schools and Michigan Department of Education memos cited the 1982 Supreme Court ruling Plyler v. Doe and regulations from the Obama-Biden eras as legal reasoning for BCPS and Michigan Public Schools to deny entry to ICE. It is important to note that President Trump can override any Obama-Biden era regulation with an executive order, and the 1982 Supreme Court ruling Plyler v. Doe can certainly to be challenged in the Supreme Court.
Given the 6-3 advantage that conservatives hold on the Supreme Court, it is a more likely than not that Plyler v. Doe would be overturned if SCOTUS takes the case.
A memo I exclusively obtained from Baltimore County Public Schools instructs teachers and administrators that illegal immigrants have a right to public education despite not paying taxes. “All children have a right to equal access to a free public education, regardless of the immigration status of the child or their parent/guardian. The 1982 Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe ensures equal access to education for children regardless of status,” the memo reads.
The memo also instructs teachers and administrators not to ask about a student’s citizenship status, and if a student is asked about their status, it’s considered “bullying.” The memo continues, “While our schools require proof of residency in Baltimore County, BCPS does not ask about a child’s immigration status at any time. BCPS does not tolerate bullying, harassment, discrimination or intimidation for any reason, including immigration status. Students, parents/caregivers, and staff are urged to promptly report incidents of bullying and harassment to school administrators and/or complete the online Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Reporting Form.”
Additionally, another memo I exclusively obtained from the Michigan Department of Education gives instructions similar to the Baltimore County Public Schools memo. It states, “All children, regardless of citizenship and immigration status, have the right to equal access to a free public education. The United States Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe (457 U.S. 202 (1982).”
The Michigan Department of Education memo also cites regulations from the Biden and Obama era as legal justification for denying ICE into Michigan Public Schools, “Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona confirm the right to equal access for all children to a free public education regardless of immigration status. Furthermore, Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA) expressly prohibits discrimination based on race or national origin and guarantees the full and equal enjoyment of public services and accommodations. Public education is a public service, and school-age children-all school-age children-have the right to this service. Likewise, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 notes that ‘[njo person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.'”
Whom will the DEPORTED parents assign to look after their kids in American schools, while they are deported to their country of origin?
Are these liberals also going to try to force the citizens to pay for care and housing for kids of deported illegals so that the kids can get a free education.?
I worked in a school district Administration in the department responsible for pupil's welfare and I do know that all children have a right to equal education. However, at hat time we had NOT been overrun by illegals, so there was NO provision made for ILLEGAL children within the district as we had none. we did have foreign students on student visas, who resided with sponsors.
I would challenge the right of any state to FORCE taxpayers to pay for educating foreign students, with no specifications. Taxpayers should NOT be FORCED or intimidated into submission.
Also, the case that established the precedent they are relying on MUST be challenged.
Illegals do not have rights under our constitution.